Friday, February 4, 2022 – Shopping Day

Hey Sweetie,
Not much going on today for me. Anita and Scott went out trail-marking on their four-wheeler, so I didn’t have much to do today, except run into Okeechobee for hay, feed, propane and a few groceries. That killed most of the day, along with a few OTL registrations and a bit of computer work. Seems like the calm before the upcoming storm next week! I’ll take it! I was planning on marking JD next Monday, but Anita said she got permission to do it on the four-wheeler, so they’re going out Sunday, which means I have more time to get registration organized, which is a good thing. I have several ideas about getting more information that we need for things to run smoothly and I need to work through them. Anyway, settled down for the evening as usual, now I’m ready for my shower and bed before long. Love you, babe! Good night!

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