Hey Sweetie,
Well, today was the last full day of riding on the Cracker Trail. It was hot and humid, like it’s been all week, but for the first time I dressed in my normal riding clothes rather than something Western looking, since we didn’t have any particular activities today. Flash behaved brilliantly today, I even managed to get him on a loose rein most of the time. I had nice chats with a lot of people, and it was at least an enjoyable day. All road riding today, again. We were supposed to end the ride with a meeting when they were going to announce the new board members, information about tomorrow’s parade in Ft. Pierce (which was the only thing I was interested in), awards, and then a dance. Unfortunately, once again, there was no set schedule for any of this, and no communication about any of it, and the dinner was beyond delayed. They were still serving at 8:30 and the meeting didn’t even get started until 8:45, and it was all a lot of self-indulgent, self-congratulatory stuff, and I got tired of waiting around to get one simple piece of information (what time the parade started) so I came back to the trailer to write this letter, take a shower and go to bed. The only time I heard was 10:00, don’t know if that’s when we’re supposed to be meeting for the parade or what time the parade starts, so I’m going to assume the latter and be there by 9:00, which means leaving here around 8:30, even more reason I need to get to bed early! So that’s where I’m off to, my love! Good night!
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