Friday, February 23, 2024 – A Bit of Rain, Flash Gets A Massage

Hiya Babe,
Had a great night sleep, and for once I didn't set the alarm as my only scheduled item was late in the day. Did my morning chores, a little housework, re-planned the Suwannee Ride that's happening in a couple of weeks (which I already did once, but then my computer re-booted itself before I saved it and lost it all) but it's probably better than what I had before anyway. It rained a little in the morning and then cleared up for awhile. I checked the air in the tires of the little trailer and had to put a little in, then hooked up so that I would be ready when it was time to go. I've been getting an error on my brake controller, and noticed a loose wire, so I reconnected that, hoping that would do the trick. I also spent some time sorting through the markers for that ride, putting them on cardboard the way I like them, and counting to make sure we had enough to do all the trails. I don't want to have to make up a bunch more at the last minute! Seems like we should have enough, but I'm not quite done counting. Naturally, just as we reached the time to leave, we had a great downpour of rain, so I got a bit wet, and so did Flash. Got him loaded up and went to the Chi University, met Jo over there as planned, and her horse Peaches and Flash both got a student massage, and then got finished off by the clinician. Flash was SO GOOD! Considering he'd never had anything like this before, everyone was very impressed about how calm and responsive he was. He evidently has a little muscle atrophy in his left should, Jo thinks it's because I do so much leaning to the right when I'm working on trails, which seems plausible, but maybe a bit far-fetched. Don't know what else would be causing it, though. Everything else on him seemed fine, and everybody fell in love with him. What a good horse! Not sure Apollo will be quite so tame tomorrow, but we'll see! Sorry to say my wire fix didn't work on my brake controller, will have to do a little more research to figure out what's wrong. Got back just as the sun was setting, got them fed, me fed, then settled down for the evening. Supposed to be a nice day tomorrow, I might go riding with Pistol, though if I remember last time our horses weren't too compatible, so we'll see. Feels a little more relaxed this weekend, with no rides to be involved with, and being able to sleep in a bit is nice, though I'll probably have to get up earlier tomorrow if I want to ride in the morning. Anyway, I have my tea and cookies, shower and bed are soon to follow! Good night, sweetheart! Love you!

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