Friday, December 15, 2023 – Busy, Tiring Day

Hiya Sweetie,
Up with the alarm, and got busy quick! After chores and breakfast, I scrubbed out the water trough and refilled it, then cleaned the bathrooms. As far as I know, that's not my job, but they were getting so bad I had to do something, so I did a quick clean. There's a leak in the men's room sink, and the boys camping here had turned it off, so when the two forestry guys came, that was their first priority. Anyway, Rick finally got the UTV over here, was supposed to be at 10:00 but it was more like 11:40 when we finally hit the trail. I was happy to see most of the ribbons on clothespins were still there, though a few had spun around the branches so much I had to let them down. A few of the intersection signs had come off, just not enough staples to hold them on the flimsy pine bark, so I had to really stick them good so they would stay. After doing the short orange, we came back to camp, then on to Helen's for a quick lunch, then back out to check on the white/red polka dot trail, and that was in good shape, too. Finally finished around 4:00, had just enough time to feed the horses and collect everything I needed before heading over to Helen's for dinner and the ride meeting. That finally broke up after 7:00, and once we updated the registration paperwork, I headed back to camp. Phew! Tiring day! Watched a one hour program, had my Sleepytime tea and Spanish lesson, now it's just a quick shower and early bed! Good night, my darlin'! Love you!

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