Friday, August 19, 2022 – Mostly Lazy Day

Hi Sweetie,
Had a good night sleep, then after chores and breakfast I ran down to the post office to pick up my ignition module for the Buick, drop off the workshop Certificates, and pick up a star screwdriver set, something I’ve needed for a long time and specifically need for this module changeover. Got back to camp and started pulling out the old module, managed to get it out fine, a little tricky, but then discovered I hadn’t done it exactly right, but it didn’t matter, at least I got it out. I was changing the coil over to the module when, despite great care by me because I was aware of the danger, one of the wire blades swung upwards, and I knew that was it. As expected, when I swung it back down into position, the blade broke, making the ignition coil useless, darn it. I called the local NAPA and they told me they had one, so I ran into town, only to discover that they only had TYPE II, which was the wrong one. They could get TYPE I by tomorrow morning, but the price they were asking was about double what I could on Amazon, by a good manufacturer, so I decided to order it through them instead. It’s due to be at the post office on Monday, which is fine, because my other parts for the Buick are arriving there the same day. Meanwhile, the truck needed more parts, wiring harnesses for the injectors, which won’t be here until Monday, so I had to extend my rental car until then. Just as I got back from my second trip to Indiantown, James was just about to come out of the gate as I arrived, so he turned around and came back to spend some time with me. A lot of good news, bad news there. Still don’t know exactly when the plumber will be here to fix the plumbing in the “new” showerhouse, though I’m glad we have good water to the barn now. Budget for the new camp host site is on hold until the new fiscal year, so it looks like I might have to move off the camp host site I’m in now to let the new camp hosts in (still to be hired), until they get around to doing that. He’s promised to at least get me electricity, which will help, and we can work out the rest until they get the site built. Settled down for the evening after he left, watched a movie, then remembered that I had put the horses in a stall while the mowers were here, so I had to go and let them out again. Pretty quiet the rest of the day, so now I’m ready for shower and bed. No campers, first time I think I’ve been alone on a Friday night! Very peaceful! Thinking about taking a ride in the morning, maybe fix a couple of signs while I’m out there. I’ll see how it goes in the morning. Good night, baby! Love you!

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