Friday, April 5, 2024 – Move Complete

Hiya Darlin',
Well, I was well on my way to a good night sleep, having crawled into bed not long after 9:00, when Lola started barking at 2:30. That was followed by the sound of rustling outside my window, and moments later, whinnying from Flash. That's all a sure sign that Apollo has gone on walkabout, and sure enough, when I looked out the window, I saw the form of a horse heading toward the day parking area, lit by the bathroom lights. I jumped out of bed, threw on my robe and shoes and walked out to him. He stopped to eat some alfalfa that was evidently left by some day riders, so he was easy to pick up. I led him back to the highline and discovered a sort of freak accident had happened. Somehow, Flash's lead and pushed it's way onto Apollo's pulley fastener, and in the process, Apollo's ring slipped out of that fastener. Very weird, and not likely to repeat itself, thank goodness. I got him hooked back up, but of course, now I was wide awake at 2:45 a.m. having had over five hours of sleep, so I had a hard time getting sleepy again after that. I guess I was up a couple of hours when I finally nodded off, because it was the alarm that woke me up. Was on the road by 7:30, made one stop at Walmart in Okeechobee to pick up a couple of things I forgot and wouldn't have another chance to get before I leave next week, and arrived precisely at noon. I had to jump start the tractor, then it took about the same time as Wednesday, an hour and a half, to get the tractor loaded up. It took a long time because the auger was on the tractor, not the bushhog, so I had to use the tractor to drag that up onto the trailer, which was clumsy at best. Once I put that on first, though, I was able to pull the tractor right up to the front and lay the bucket on the bushhog, which made it pretty secure, and just fit inside the ramp. I put the old tire by the auger to keep it secure, tied everything down and away we went. Fortunately, the chain and the fuel can were there, only my ear muffs were missing, but I'm just glad I have everything else back in my possession. Did not like having the sword of Damocles hanging over my head, just waiting to be arbitrarily dropped on me whenever someone else felt like it. I'm feeling more free than I have in a long time. As soon as I got back, I serviced the battery, cleaning the terminals, topping it off with distilled water and putting the charger on it, hoping that resolves the no crank issue in the morning. Looking forward to getting back on the road again next week! Time for a cool change! Good night, sweetie! Love you!

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