Hey Darlin’,
Was up fairly early, headed over to Glenn’s, cleaned the pool, left a bunch of boxes with most of my stuff packed in the trunk of the Buick, hooked up to Glenn’s trailer, came back and loaded up the tractor implements into the horse trailer, then the tractor onto Glenn’s trailer and took that back out to his place. Dropped off my volunteer T-shirts at Dupuis in their mailbox, came home for dinner and a movie, got a call from brother Karl who is apparently on his way here and will arrive tonight, though too late for me. I’m headed for shower and bed! Good night, sweetheart! Love you!
Archives for March 2023
Thursday, March 30, 2023 – Closet Sorting
Hiya Sweetie,
Got off to a slow start this morning after not sleeping very well last night, don’t know why. Didn’t have anything on the agenda, but I decided to due a long overdue job, sorting through the closets, rearranging the drawers and getting rid of the excess clothing that I’m never likely to use. Happy with the result, though it will take a trip to Goodwill to get finally get the stuff out of here. Other then that, a pretty lazy day. Sandy came by late in the afternoon for “wine time”, then I settled down for the evening with a couple of Remington Steeles. Just a short shower away from bedtime! Good night, babe! Love you!
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Wednesday, March 29, 2023 – Kayak Ride with Sandy
Hey Babe,
Had a great night sleep, thank goodness, glad to be on track with having a physical day rather than sitting around, like I’ve been doing way too much of lately. Had a kind of slow morning, but then Sandy and I headed over to Riverbend with my inflatable kayak. We decided that rather than brave the unpredictable intracoastal to just doing a leisurely ride round a mile long loop in Riverbend. It was wonderful! Nice and quiet, very slow moving, managed to sneak up on some wildlife, some interesting birds and fish and turtles, and finally, a little alligator sunning himself on the bank. All that in less than two hours! We had to portage through a tunnel, which was odd because when we went out on the last trip, I know we paddled straight through it, so it is definitely true that the tides affect this river, even though we are so far inland. Hard to believe! It was very nice, great to be on the water again. Came back home and relaxed, sat by the pool and played with Lola, she hasn’t had much exercise so I made her do a lot of swimming so she’ll sleep tonight. Settled down for the evening to a movie and leftovers, ready for shower and bed. Good night, my darlin’! Love you!
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Tuesday, March 28, 2023 – Ride Day and Lots of Fun With Sandy
Hi Sweetie!
Had a much better day today, after a not very good night sleep. Set the alarm and had the horses, Lola and me fed by 8:00, and shortly after hooked up the small horse trailer and loaded the horses and Sandy onto the truck and headed over to Riverbend. She hadn’t ridden since she took a spill off her own horse (which she has since sold), and it was important to her to get back into the saddle again, and she’s ridden Apollo before and felt he was nice and safe for her. Other than one little spin he did when we came upon a piece of heavy equipment near the trail (and she did a great job of sticking in the saddle, because as old as he is, he can still spin quick!) the rest was gratefully uneventful. She wasn’t sure how far she wanted to go, so when we go to the three-mile point, I told her we could either take essentially the same trail back to the trailer for three miles, or take the OTL and Cypress Creek Trails home, which would be about six more miles. She was feeling pretty good and opted to take the long trail, since she wasn’t sure she when she would get another chance to ride (well, at least until I come to Michigan in May!), and it was a great ride! We stopped a couple of times to rest her foot, which got really badly damaged when she took her spill, but otherwise, she said she felt great! Once we got back home and got the horses rinsed off and set free, we decided to go have lunch. Her husband and my brother had gone to lunch in PBGardens, but we decided to go for Mexican, something she loves and her husband doesn’t. We stopped at one place and was mortified to learn they only had beer and wine, NO MARGARITAS! Well, that was just unacceptable to us, so we headed a bit further up the road to a place I’ve been several times, Rancho Chico in Tequesta, which is really good. Heavy pour on the liquor, HUGE portions on the food (seriously, we walked out with leftovers that will give us at least two more meals!), and just a very nice atmosphere. Tried out a little of my newly-acquired Spanish skills, but not enough to prove anything. Afterward, we decided to check out a couple of kayak launching spots where we’re thinking of going tomorrow that were suggested by my concert friend Lori, so we took a nice drive, with me in the driver seat because Sandy is a real lightweight when it comes to tequila. Then I realized I left my fishing shirt at the restaurant and headed back there and got it. Next was Walmart for just a couple of things, then I drove to Riverbend to get the truck, took a quick stop at Publix to get another thing or two, finally getting home at dusk. Managed to get the saddles put away, the trailer unhooked, and Lola out to the pool for a few swims, since she hasn’t had any exercise in a few days. We stayed at the pool until the mosquitoes got too bad, then said our good nights. What a great day! So nice to be able to share good times with someone! Anyway, I think I have tomorrow planned out now, so now I’m just going to finish my drink, watch a Remington Steele, take a quick shower and head to bed, where I’m sure I’ll have the best night sleep that I’ve had in awhile. Good night, Sweetie! Love you!
Filed Under: Ride Day
Monday, March 27, 2023 – Nothing To Report
Hi Darlin’,
Absolutely nothing to report today. Boring. Did nothing. Going to bed. Good night. Love you!
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Sunday, March 26, 2023 – Up And Down Day
Hi Sweetheart,
Tried to help Jeff do some cleaning today, but it ended with a fight. I went over to Glenn’s and spent the afternoon weed-whacking, pressure washing and cleaning the pool. Got back around 5:00 and our company had arrived. Sandy came back and chatted for awhile, then later Bill came back for a bit before the mosquitoes got too bad. Watched a movie, ready for bed. I can’t WAIT to get back on the road again! Love you babe, good night!
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Saturday, March 25, 2023 – Microwave Installed!
Hey Baby!
Took a long while to get to sleep, just as I suspected since I didn’t do anything physical to tire me out yesterday, then ended up sleeping a bit later, as usual. Then I got a text from Jeff C. that he was on his way to install my microwave. He arrived before 9:30, and after he and brother Jeff had their morning libations, they began the job at about 10:00. I think they thought it would only take a few hours, but it was nearly 8:00 by the time they finished. It was rather entertaining, actually, because every modification they tried to make resulted in more issues that required more modifications that required more fixes, etc., etc., etc., until it was finally done. I did my best to keep quiet (though it was hard!), and just be happy with the fact that eventually it would get done, and it was. I spent another half hour cleaning up and putting everything away again, and I must say, it looks pretty nice. It’s a lovely microwave, two inches wider than my last one, and has a number of features that my old one didn’t have, like two different light levels, two different fan levels, and a kitchen timer that will be a lot more precise than the one on my refrigerator magnet. Glad that job’s done! Only big job left now to do before I leave are the brakes on the trailer, and I hope that it will get done by the end of the week, or maybe during the week that I’m gone. I hope so, because I’m planning on leaving the following week, start heading north since it’s getting too darn hot down here now. Most nights are only getting down to the low 70’s overnight, and that’s too warm for me. Anyway, finally settled down with a nightcap and a Remington Steele, soon to shower and bed! Good night, my darlin’! Love you!
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Friday, March 24, 2023 – Mostly Lazy Day
Hiya Darlin’,
While I had every intention of having a productive day, I must confess that I just simply didn’t have the energy. Not that I’m tired, I just didn’t feel like doing anything, so I didn’t! Just a few things on the computer, then I mostly just watched TV and ready all day. I will doubtless not have a very good night sleep due to my inactivity, but I trust I’ll make up for it in the coming days. I did finish and send off the workbook for the job I have in Texas in two weeks, so that was something. But not much else! Hoping to get my microwave installed tomorrow, and I’ll have a busier week next week, but for today, nada! What can I say, I’m so bored with the trails the thought of riding just doesn’t really interest me, at least not on my own. Next week I’ll have a friend here to ride with, so maybe I’ll have more interest then. Meanwhile, time for shower and bed! Good night, sweetie! Love you!
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Thursday, March 23, 2023 – Got A Few Things Done
Hey Sweetie,
Had a decent night sleep, chores and breakfast, then I got a few things done. Started out moving my mattresses to the opposite side, putting the lump that formed when the baffling burst to the other side, and let some air out, so hopefully that will balance it a bit. Also did some research on new mattresses, again, and might have a solution if I decide this doesn’t work out. After testing the motor on my pressure cleaner and seeing that it worked fine, I switched them out and boxed up the new one to return it. It’s obviously the pump, which, of course, isn’t available any more, so I drove out and posted it back. Stopped at the grocery store for a couple of things, then headed back. Assembled Glenn’s new pressure washer, and tested it out on a big white van in Jeff’s yard, he says he wants to move it out of the way, which would be a relief, but wanted to clean it up a bit, for some reason. Not really understanding why I’m cleaning junk, but I did it anyway, just as a test to see how the new pressure washer worked. Just fine, as a matter of fact. Just about the time that was done, I checked on my UPS delivery, and discovered my new microwave had arrived minutes before, so I drove out to the end of the driveway and brought that back in. Finally settled down for the evening, with a Remington Steele and a rom/com, which unfortunately kept buffering so it took a lot longer than I expected. Anyway, ready for shower and bed! Good night, babe! Love you!
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Wednesday, March 22, 2023 – Lawn Mowed
Hiya Babe,
Had a good night sleep, except just before I finished reading, I heard a popping sound, and I thought for a minute maybe my air mattress repair had sprung a leak, but I soon realized that what had happened was that the baffles had given way! So now I have a big raised lump in the lower half of my bed. Guess I’m going to have to try to find a replacement after all. Maybe I’ll just try switching the two mattresses around so that it’s on the other side, but I’ll see how it goes tonight. Did a few odd jobs on the computer this morning, think I have enough information now to finish my taxes, though I haven’t done it yet, then headed over to Glenn’s to mow the lawn. Got back, had dinner, settled down for the evening, ready for bed. Another mundane day. Can’t wait to get back on the road and start living again! Good night, my darlin’! Love you!
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