Archives for April 2022

Saturday, April 9, 2022 – Two Days Rolled Into One!

Hiya Babe!
Well, what an exciting and nail-biting adventure it’s been since yesterday morning! It all started out quite ordinary, with chores and breakfast, and several conversations with incoming campers before I was finally able to saddle up Flash and get him loaded in the trailer for our trip down to the Cypress Boardwalk. Today’s ride was going to be just about the final thread in the tapestry of our map, where I would GPS the eastern part of the orange OTL Hiking trail. Not surprisingly, it was considerably off from where the map said it was supposed to be, but it was close enough and well-marked enough where we didn’t have a problem following it. I’ve only seen it from the other end where it comes out at the border between Dupuis and Corbett, so it was nice to see it coming from the other way. Many parts of it were quite lovely and thick, with some open fields as well, and it was very enjoyable. Flash was brilliant, and after not being ridden for a few days, he was ready for a nice ride. The temps had cooled down the night before, so even though the humidity was high, there was a nice breeze and it was quite nice. We came back along mostly on firebreak type connectors just to verify their existence, and we covered a lot of ground, sixteen miles in all. We drove back to camp, arriving just after 3:30, got him rinsed off and put away, then puttered around for a bit. I had asked Steve over to share dinner, so I started to get that ready. Then one of the group campers came over and reported that one of their group had gone out for a short ride at about 1:00 and was overdue to come back to join them for a second rider at 4:00. We discussed it for a bit, but decided we needed to wait a bit longer before calling in the authorities. Their group saddled up and went out looking for her, but came back empty-handed. Finally, after we had dinner, at about 6:15 or so, Steve called Dillan, our local law enforcement guy, and he started us on the path to getting help. Within minutes we had half a dozen Martin County Sheriff’s cars in front of us. Just before they arrived, one of the women of the group discovered the lost rider had called her and left a message at 3:40 p.m., that she was lost, her phone was dying, so at least we knew she was okay up to that point. Before long, they had called in air support, i.e. a helicopter, to see if they could locate the woman, Brigette. It got dark. Not long after that FWC arrived with UTV’s and ATV’s, and they began scouring the area as well. This went on for hours. The Palm Beach Sheriff’s office sent THEIR helicopter too, both using thermal imaging, but with no luck at all. This went on into the night until after 3:00 in the morning, with the helo’s each refueling several times. Finally, after 3:30, everyone left to get ready for an all-out search in the morning. I had arranged with the other equestrian campers to have an organized posse go out to look for her starting at 7:30. I finally crawled into bed on top of my bedding, fully clothed, set my alarm for 6:00, and thankfully, managed to fall asleep. Those two hours were a great power nap, though, and when the alarm went off, I got up, fed the horses, had breakfast, got Flash saddled up and was ready by 7:15. Most of the group was close to being ready, so we gathered together and I assigned everyone a different trail to check. Just as we were breaking up, for them to finish saddling and for me to leave, we got word that they had likely found her, yet to be confirmed (but how many lost horses and riders were out there?), so we waited. As it turned out, it was her, she had traveled from the west side of the property to the east side, and evidently ran circles in between, ending up along the Powerline Grade where we finally arranged for me to put Flash away and go out with my little horse trailer and pick her up. She seemed to be no worse for the wear, had even managed to get a few hours sleep out there with her horse standing motionless beside her. Even though she reckoned the helos were looking for her, and she tried a couple of times to flag them down, they never spotted her! One of the ladies had packed her a sandwich and drinks, and one of the men came with me because he had an Apple phone, as did the detective that had her coordinates, and leave it to Apple, he couldn’t pass it onto my Android! But it was good, in case I needed have help getting the horse in the trailer, though a couple of ladies in the group said this horse (who we finally learned his name was Moonshine) didn’t have a problem loading in. We drove over and finally found the wayward woman, who seemed perfectly fine, though thoroughly embarrassed for causing such a ruckus. The cops took her to Gate 1 where the paramedics were waiting to check her out (though she insisted she didn’t need or want it), and we carried on to get her horse back to the barn, which a couple of folks from the group had readied the night before. The horse loaded fine, and unloaded fine, and dug into his hay bag the minute he went through the stall to the paddock. So a very happy ending to this saga, thank goodness! All the authorities cleared out, and things quickly quieted down in camp. Brigitte no doubt rested, the rest of the group (who had gotten more sleep) went out for a ride, and I stripped down and crawled into bed for another two hour power nap. After getting up, I tackled the job of trying to find the slow leak in my trailer tire, and after filling up the tire using one of the group’s compressors (both of mine are dead now), I finally discovered it was the valve stem, at the bottom where the rubber goes into the rim. Being Saturday, the tire shops in Indiantown were closed, so it will have to wait. The group had invited me to dinner, so after another walk around to see if anyone else came in (they hadn’t), and a conversation with Steve about the upcoming hand-over (which I asked to be delayed until tomorrow after a good night sleep would return some semblance of wits to me), I fed the horses and joined the group for dinner. We all learned some valuable lessons with this adventure. Though I carry saddlebags with me on just about every ride, with a first aid kit, thermal blanket, rain gear, etc., I realized that I don’t have a flashlight, or anything that could act as a strobe, which would be extremely valuable for catching the attention of a helicopter pilot. I might consider a small solar charger for my phone as well, since Brigitte’s phone died right after she made the call to her friend, so we couldn’t use it to triangulate her position. Otherwise, I think I’m pretty well set, though I’m sure the rest of the group is going to be adding to their saddle bags! They were all very complimentary about how we all handled the situation, but it was the least we could do. Part of the job, I guess, though Steve said he’s never had a rider get that lost before. I have to say, though, it will play out well with my ongoing proposal for better trail markings! James just had a meeting with them earlier this week and they were reluctant to put up intersection signs because of the maintenance issues, but this episode might just trump their concerns. We’ll at least try to use it for a bit of leverage, fingers crossed! After dinner, just for fun, I did my Snowy River to earn my meal, chatted for a bit, then finally came back to the trailer. I diverted long enough to blanket the horses, because the weather has changed dramatically, with temps going down to near 45 tonight, would you believe! By now, the horses have lost their winter coat, and Apollo’s summer coat is not even completely grown, so they’re going to need those blankets tonight! Finally took a long overdue hot shower, now I’m just about ready to head to bed, exhausted, but satisfied with the Happy Ending we all love so much! Time for bed! Love you, sweetie! Good night!

Thursday, April 6, 2022 – Helped with Plumbing, Quiet Day Except for More Wrangling

Hey Darlin’,
Had a better night sleep, though it was hotter than ever when I went to bed, still over 80 in my bedroom! But I pointed a fan practically right at me, so it kept me cool enough. I ended up sleeping until 7:30, so a good night sleep. Felt more rested, but it was 100% humidity, which tires you out fast! Did my chores, had breakfast, mopped the floor because Miss Lola got her feet wet and dirty before traipsing around the trailer, finally settled down on my computer. James was due to come by, so I didn’t want to start on my taxes again, that’s going to take a full day of sequestering, so I’m going to wait until next week after Steve is gone and I’m on my own here. When James did finally make it by, the three of us ended up working on the bathhouse for awhile, though in the end we did a temporary fix by putting shutoff valves in the two showers that were leaking, so at least we could stop the water from constantly running while still leaving the rest of the bathhouse open. Exchanged a few more nasty emails with the NETA committee, who think I’m bluffing about charging a PITA assessment every three days until my request is paid (they don’t know me very well!). It’s not about the money any more, it’s about the principal. I was proud to be a servant to what I thought was a good cause, but I’ll be damned if I’ll let them make me become their slave! I also had a conversation with Anita about it, who’s the only one who has shown me any support at all against this ungrateful group. Finally settled down to a couple more episodes of my latest binge-watch, happy that even though we didn’t get any rain from it, there’s a cool front passing by so the temps have dropped somewhat, supposed to be going down into the low sixties tonight, yay! Think I’ll finish off the last trail tomorrow, which is the eastern side of the FTA hiking trail, so I’ll have to trailer down to the Cypress Boardwalk to make it reasonable. That will take a good part of the day, but I’m ready. I haven’t ridden since Sunday, though it feels longer, so I’m looking forward to that! Anyway, time for shower and bed, and hopefully, a cooler night sleep! Good night, sweetheart! Love you!

Wednesday, April 6, 2022 – Started On Taxes, Too Tired

Hi Sweetie,
Could not get to sleep last night, too hot and muggy, I guess, took hours, but still woke up before 7:30, so not enough to feel that rested. Tried to start on my taxes, spent a couple of hours straightening out all my books from last year, but didn’t have the energy to keep going. Did some other computer work, had Steve show me the ropes on how to turn all the various water sources off and where to put in chlorine and salt, and discovered it seemed to be much lower than it should be considering how few people are camping, so we did a little investigation and found that three out of the four showers in the newer shower house were leaking through their showerheads, you just couldn’t turn them off enough to stop a steady dribble, and one of the toilets in the old bathroom was constantly running, so that explains the thousand gallons of water that’s gone through there is a few days, and why the supplies were low. We decided to shut off the water and lock up the shower house for now, and Steve fixed the toilet with a new valve, but then broke the handle, so it’s usable with ingenuity. I settled down for the evening, started bingeing another old series on Netflix, Friday Night Lights, I remember hearing it was pretty good, so I watched a few episodes. I’ve got every fan in the house running trying to cool it down, but the outside temps aren’t coming down very much so naturally the inside temps are just as bad. Supposed to be a cool front coming in tomorrow, can’t wait! So I’m hoping that by the time I shower and get into bed that I’ll sleep better tonight, but I’m not counting on it. I’ve confirmed with James that once Steve moves on Monday that I can take over his spot, which will give me 50 amp electric so I can run my AC, looking forward to that happening! So this should be the last night of discomfort, fingers crossed! I’m headed off now, so good night, babe! Love you!

Tuesday, April 5, 2022 – Day Wasted Chasing OTL Reimbursement, Riders Meeting

Hey Sweetie,
A frustrating and depressing day today. Ever since the OTL, I’ve been trying to get reimbursed for some of the fuel expense, to my mind, a perfectly natural request. Most non-profit organizations I work for practically force money on me for fuel and meals with the volunteers, etc., but this one? NETA? They never offered anything. Finally I sent them in invoice covering about half of my fuel costs, and for a “dinner meeting” that no one but Anita and I showed up for. The way I see it, if they call a meeting in a restaurant, it’s not unfair for me to believe that the organization was going to pay for it. Not to mention I drove nearly 50 miles round trip to get there. They don’t see it that way. So all I’ve been getting back from them are excuses and excuses and more excuses. I’ve wasted so much time with this it’s ridiculous. Today I actually went back through all of my diary and estimated how many hours I spent working on the OTL (conservatively), no less than 240. I also estimated how many miles I drove while working on the OTL (conservatively), no less than 631.5. It took me over four hours just to figure all that out. With all the work I did, I can’t believe they’re giving me a hard time over a couple of tanks of fuel. If they went to the store and bought cases of water for the riders, they got reimbursed. They had to buy parts to make one of the shuttles serviceable, they got reimbursed. Why is all the fuel I used to get to all the trailheads, not to mention the three days of running around as the ER vehicle, why is that not considered in the same way? I was so disgusted with this organization by the end of the day, I could hardly stomach it. That’s it, I’m done, I’m never working with this group again. After all my hard work, they’re trying to make me feel like I’m a bad person because I believe they should reimburse me for some fuel. Anyway, I fortunately had the distraction of going to a Florida Horsemen’s club meeting along with James, where I saw a stellar example of how a meeting SHOULD be run, unlike anything I’ve ever seen NETA run. Jamie ran a tight ship, starting quickly and ending after just an hour, perfectly run with Roberts Rules of Orders, the reading of the previous minutes, the treasurer’s report, the President’s report, all ticked through quickly and efficiently. It was an astonishingly stark contrast to the last OTL meeting, where it was never called to order, there was no treasurer’s report, no order, not votes, no agenda, period. It was pitiful and when I questioned it, all I got was shrugged shoulders. I don’t know how they keep their Non-profit status, seriously. Anyway, the club’s meeting was efficient, so we were out of there shortly after 8:00. James asked me to deliver some salt and chlorine out here for the water system to save him a trip in the morning, which I was glad to do. Got back about 9:00, had a little ice cream, now I’m ready for shower and bed. It’s really hot tonight, it’s still 80 degrees in the trailer, even after 11:00. Not sure how well I’ll be sleeping, but I’m off to try. Love you, darlin’! Good night!

Monday, April 4, 2022 – Map Nearly Finished! Helped Jeff Today, Too

Hi Darlin’!
Had a good night sleep and woke up at the respectable hour of 7:30, so I’m finally getting on schedule. Spent most of the day working on the almost final edition of the trail map for Dupuis, managed to get a copy off to James by the end of the day. Once again, it was supposed to rain by noon, so I didn’t do any laundry because I had plans to help Jeff move some roofing from brother Glenn’s new house, which closed today. It’s only a few miles north of Indiantown so I offered to help. Well, naturally, it didn’t rain until very late in the afternoon, and not for very long, so I could have done it this morning, not that I really need to. The closing didn’t happen until later in the afternoon, so I didn’t head over there until 3:30, and of course, what rain we did have came in while I was gone. Fortunately, the only window on the side where the rain was coming in was up in my bedroom, and it wasn’t very much, so no worries. Didn’t take long to get the roofing material in the back of Jeff’s truck, then headed back to camp, stopping once at the auto parts store in town to pick up some oil for the generator and a new windshield wiper for the passenger side, it started to fall apart when I turned my wipers on during a short sprinkle on the drive in. Relaxed for the evening, finishing off the 14th season of Heartland, then watched a silly movie, now it’s time for shower and bed! Good night, babe! Love you!

Sunday, April 3, 2022 – Recon Ride Day Plus Chores

Hey Babe!
Well, we did finally have a LITTLE bit of rain, but nothing like was forecast, and it didn’t last too long. But the temps did drop quite a bit, so it was a much more comfortable night, so I slept well once I got to sleep. Woke up earlier, which is a good thing, and got busy with chores and breakfast. It wasn’t long before I was saddling up Apollo and heading out. I had to come back once, though, I forgot my water, and I also forgot I had taken some of the padding off my saddle to let Jeff use last week, so I put that back on as well. Glad I did, since just the sheepskin cover wasn’t really enough. Headed out at a slug’s pace, as usual, so I knew it would be a long day. We were out just after 9:00, because it was supposed to start raining by around 11:00, though I figured it would be later. Surprise, surprise, it’s almost 10:00 pm right now and we still haven’t got a drop a rain today, despite the dire forecast. Glad it was cloudy, though, and cooler, so it was a nice ride. Apollo did pretty well mostly, with a little stubbornness occasionally, but not too bad. Just really slow, so glad I wasn’t in too much of a hurry. We did our last “colored” horse trail today, so other than firebreaks, I’ve pretty much got everything I need to put this map together. Will be glad when it’s done, at least this rendition, though I expect it will change in the future. Once we got back (Lola came with me today since it wasn’t too hot) and Apollo put away, I did a few other chores, spent several hours map-making on the computer, made satin balls for Lola and some chaney root tea for me. Eventually settled down for the evening, grilled a nice bacon wrapped filet mignon on the grill, watched a few more Heartland episodes, now I’m ready for shower and bed. Good night, sweetie! Love you!

Saturday, April 2, 2022 – Busy Day Puttering

Hey Sweetheart!
Another hot night, never got below about 75 degrees in my bedroom despite having a fan on all night. Did sleep pretty well, though. Been getting up around the same time these days, about 7:30 or so. Did my morning chores and had breakfast, then headed out to finish putting staples in all the new boards in the paddocks that got skipped on the work day, plus a whole bunch more staples on old boards that had lost them. Fixed the screen room, most of my clamps had loosen up with all the wind we’ve been having the last few days, so I tightened those all back up. Mended one of the horses’ fly masks, it had gotten ripped and needed fixing. Put my solar panel away, since I don’t need it now that I have a little electricity. Spent a good part of the afternoon working on the trail map, doing some final modifications, though I still have at least one more trail I need to confirm, which I might do tomorrow on Apollo, since it’s not that long and he needs the exercise, plus it’s supposed to be cooler. I spent all day waiting for this huge front to come in, and the radar looked ominous around 4:30, so I went ahead and fed the horses early. I felt two drops of rain just as I was finishing up, congratulating myself for timing it perfectly, only to have the entire front disappear before it arrived! Not a drop of rain, though it looked like a wall of water coming this way! It put itself back together to the east of us, and they got plenty of rain, but it just split around us, darn it! Finally settled down for the evening, grilled myself a nice little piece of chicken, and started watching the latest season of Heartland. Got a lot done, a nice productive day, ready for shower and bed! I’m FINALLY hearing a bit of rain outside, hope it last awhile, we need it desperately !Good night, darlin’! Love you!

Friday, April 1, 2022 – Quick Mail Trip and Rest Day

Hi Darlin’,
Had a wonderful night sleep last night, most likely due to the fact I was able to keep my small fan on in the bedroom last night, just enough to cool it down to make it reasonably comfortable, despite being one of the hottest days so far this year. Grateful for the little bit of electricity I’ve been able to purloin (well, with permission)! Woke up at a reasonable hour, got my chores and breakfast done, then ran into Indiantown to pick up a couple of packages at the post office and a few things at the IGA, then straight back to camp. One of the packages was a new oil filter for my generator, I’ve been using it so much it needs another oil change already, but then I forgot to pick up oil, so it’s going to have to wait until my next trip, which probably won’t be until the new Tractor Supply opens in about a week. Very excited about that! Keeping the driving down to a minimum, what with diesel at $5.19 a gallon in town! Fingers crossed it comes down a bit more before I have to head north. Decided to take the rest of the day off, it seems I’ve been going non-stop for awhile, so I finished up High Castle (a rather disappointing and inexplicable ending), then a movie, then discovered another season of Heartland on Netflix, so I started that. A nice rest, but the forecasted rain never came in, and it’s been so hot I don’t think I could have handled doing anything else today. I’m hoping I don’t have to move my trailer to his spot after Steve leaves, but I may have to if the heat keeps getting this bad. Can’t run my AC off this 20 amp circuit. Well, we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it! Meanwhile, shower and bed await! Good night, babe! Love you!