Archives for October 2021

Monday, October 11, 2021 – Travel Day to McIntosh Reserve

Hi Babe!
Up with the alarm at 7:00 and still managed to get out before 8:30. Had a bit of a scare getting out, though, just not the one I thought I would have having! I didn’t put any weight on the truck last night because I was afraid it might sink in overnight, and was very glad I didn’t! Once I got everything packed in except the horses and the last minute stuff, I dropped the trailer the rest of the way onto the truck and proceeded to pull out, or TRY to pull out. I was upping the gas, very slowly, waiting for it to start moving, and it just wouldn’t! I was scared to death that the wheels would start slipping and that would be the end of it, I’d have to start hauling gravel over to put under the wheels, but I kept slowly increasing the acceleration, until I was at such a high RPM I thought for sure I would be stuck for good, but finally, we started creeping, creeping, creeping forward until I was safely moving. My plan had been to move forward a bit, then back up between a couple of trees onto the road, but once I got moving, there was no way I was going to stop, so I just kept going, hoping like mad I’d be able to make it around the trees in front of me, and straighten out well enough to get past the tree that had come down after the rain. Miraculous, I made it! I even had room to spare, much to my surprise! Once safely on the gravel road, I loaded up the horses and all the final stuff and hit the road, yay! We had a nice, uneventful trip all the way to McIntosh, which was about two hours on the highway and another hour each before and after the highway. The only problem was just as I was making the very sharp left turn onto the road leading into the Reserve, some guy in a little car had turned the corner and then just stopped on the road! I needed the whole road and then some to make the turn, which he figured out pretty quick when I started getting closer and closer to his back end. I couldn’t very well leave my back end sticking out on the main road waiting for him to move, now, could I? Anyway, we made it the rest of the way with no problem, paid at the gate, then noticed that my emergency exit window in the gooseneck where my bedroom is was completely shattered and gone! Not sure how that happened, but I guess I must not have locked it properly, so that’s another job for me in the coming days! I went on and filled up at one of the water spigots, then found the perfect camping spot, where the trailer would be in the shade, but it was close enough to a clearing to take advantage of what sun I could get for my solar panel, and of course, right next to the river, as all the sites are. I got the horses up on a highline pretty quick, but had to leave right away to get into town in time to pick up feed and fill up three propane tanks, as they wouldn’t hold the feed after today. I did some quick shopping at Walmart, filled up with fuel (which had gone up fifteen cents a gallon in the last couple of hours, apparently), and made my way back to camp. I felt exhausted by the time I got back, not surprising with all the activity and no real rest I’ve had in quite a few days! Finally settled down for the evening, looking forward to a nice hot shower and a good night sleep! Good night, babe! Love you!

Sunday, October 10, 2021 – Laundry and Packing Day

Hi Sweetie!
Despite the long day yesterday, I had trouble getting to sleep, and couldn’t sleep in too late because I had a lot to do, starting with three loads of laundry. I thought I had two tanks of propane left, but it turns out the only one I have is the one I picked up yesterday, so glad I did that! I had to switch over to it shortly after I started, so I’m going to have to be careful until I get the other tanks filled, probably on Tuesday. Anyway, while I was doing laundry, both Pam and Laurie (with her granddaughter) came out to ride, albeit separately. I would have like to go with them, but I just have too much to do. Since I’ve been here nearly two weeks, packing up took awhile, but I managed to get it all done. It was pretty hot today, too, which didn’t help. I’m a bit worried about getting out of here, with all the rain, some parts of the ground are really soft, and it’s hard to tell exactly where until you start slipping. I’m also in an awkward spot trying to maneuver around trees, especially because one fell down across the road and it’s a pretty narrow spot to get out. There are several options, I’m just afraid if I get stuck I won’t be able to move in any direction. Anyway, no sense worrying about it tonight, I’ll deal with it in the morning! Just going to have a relaxing night tonight, I feel exhausted after three days of hard riding and several hours of packing up in the heat. Looking forward to my shower and clean sheets! Good night, darlin’! Love you!

Saturday, October 9, 2021 – Wilderness Ride on Kari’s Horse Velvet

Hi Darlin’!
I was up before the crack of dawn this morning, had breakfast and fed the horses and left them with extra hay, and drove out of camp with Lola before 6:30 as the sun was just coming up. The reason was because Kari had invited me along with a group of her friends to go riding in the wilderness, but the logistics of taking Flash was just too complicated, so Kari offered to let me ride her horse Velvet, while she rode a younger horse named Bliss. I arrived right on schedule, got my saddle on Velvet and drove out to who knows where to meet up with her friends, who all arrived at the same time as we did. These were all world class gaited horses, and I was looking forward to seeing what a true, uncompromising gaited trail ride was like. We headed out in short order, but it quickly became clear that there were so many horses that Lola got confused (I didn’t realize the group would be so big), so we ended up having to leave her in the trailer as we rode off, which was the right choice, I had enough to worry about without adding keeping an eye on her to the mix. I can’t say that I’ve ever gotten introduced to a horse doing 20 mph, but that’s about what happened. We all lit off down a road to get to a trailhead, and everyone was going at racking pace, and I had to keep up. Velvet was full of energy, and was trying to make it a race, so it was a little while before I figured out how to get along with her. It’s a totally different feel than Flash, of course, but I managed to hang on long enough to get the hang of it. Lost my sunglasses though, I hadn’t battened everything down well enough because it was a bit more bouncy than I’m used to. Anyway, once we settled down a bit, it was more comfortable, and I was pretty pleased with the way it went. The trails in this part of the forest are unmarked and not very well maintained, so there were lots of times we had to go around or over trees. With this group, though, at every opportunity they were moving along pretty fast, so I had my hands full keeping up, though my horse was entirely capable, I just needed to learn to handle it! Whipping through trees on a narrow trail can be a bit harrowing! We did over 13 miles, left after 8:00 and were back just after 11:00, so we made good time! It’s a beautiful raw forest, with a lot of challenging sections, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. Special thanks to Kari for the invite and the transport! We got back, rinsed down the horses and sent them out to pasture, then I headed into town to trade in another tank of propane. I thought I still had two full ones, but it seems I only had one, and since I need to do laundry tomorrow I didn’t want to take any chances on running. Unfortunately, the Tractor Supply doesn’t fill propane at this location, and the Coop is too dang expensive, so I ended up just swapping out a tank at Walmart again, though this time I made sure I got a brand new, unrefurbished tank. The last one wasn’t new, although it was freshly painted and the dates are good on it, but it wasn’t quite new. Doesn’t matter, really, just a little sentimental about trading in the last original tanks on the trailer. Silly. Anyway, got back to camp, there were lots of dayriders’ trailers, and they were all starting to come back and leave around the time I got here. Had a relaxing afternoon, heading to bed early, tomorrow is a busy day of laundry and packing up. Good night, babe! Love you!

Friday, October 8, 2021 – Pine Torch Trail Completed!

Hi Babe!
Well, all of my planning and network finally paid off, with Kari picking me, Flash and Lola up at 8:30 and running us all over to the trailhead on the west side of the forest so that we could ride the Pine Torch loop. Pam, whom I met the other day, joined us there, and we gaited off on a perfectly lovely trail, with lots of waterfalls and ferns and beautiful trees, very, very nice! Surprisingly, the footing wasn’t too bad, all the rain drained off pretty well (as evidenced by the full creeks and falls), we took turns leading and following, which was really good for Flash, it was just a very nice, fun ride. We ran into a few other riders on the trail as well, as it was a gorgeous day, not a cloud in the sky, temps never got too hot, just perfect. I was worried Lola would be tired after fifteen miles yesterday, but she kept up just fine, with her leading the way while Kari’s Aussie trailed in back, so it was just perfect. Got back to camp by 2:00, leaving the afternoon to relax a bit, I let the horses graze for awhile, but more folks came into camp so eventually I had to put them back on the highline. Other than filling the truck water tank and doing some prep for my ride tomorrow, it was a pretty low-key rest of the day. I’m heading to bed extra early, which I’ll tell you all about tomorrow. Anyway, a great day, the kind that make me adore living on the road at a trailhead! Good night, sweetie! Love you!

Thursday, October 7, 2021 – Finally Another Ride!

Hi Sweetie!
After days of endless rain, at last the rain finally stopped! Though the forecast had said it would rain overnight, it never did, but the skies were still pretty gray this morning, but at least there was no rain! Got up early, did my usual chores and then some, and before I even had my breakfast, my riding buddies, Laurie and Dean, showed up, an hour early! Well, we managed to fill the time with me eating and us chatting, partly because I wanted to make sure Flash had a good breakfast. Nevertheless, I was saddled up and ready to go by 9:45, fifteen minutes ahead of our scheduled time. We had decided to just do a road ride today because it was still so wet in the woods, and we were all pretty sure the trails would be messy and probably trees had come down, so even though it may not have been as interesting, at least we didn’t have to contend with mud and cobwebs! Lola came along, too, since most of the road was just forest road, but there was one section I had to put my lead rope from my McCarty on her because she wouldn’t stay off the busy asphalt road. I put Flash’s boots on, but he lost one the first time we started to do a good speed, so I ended up taking them off. It seems his feet have gotten pretty hard so it didn’t seem to bother him, and the roads here don’t have too much gravel on them, so he seemed okay. In all, we went about 15 miles, some of it through the forest, some of it not. It was a nice ride, and we had a good time chatting. They’re taking a trip to Florida in February, they were asking me about places to stop along the way, something we’ll talk more about later. When we got back, another trailer had come in, with a buggy on it, then later another came in, so I’ve got company again. Because the horses have been standing in mud and their feet were soft, I took the time to trim the front hooves on both of them. I also filled the trailer water tank, and I once again had to put the trailer on the truck and readjust the leveling, because the other side had sunk in about six inches and when I opened the door this morning I almost couldn’t get it open because it was butting up against the steps. Thank goodness there’s a pile of gravel here! I finally got all that done, then had some dinner and settled down for the evening. Already had my shower, will be off to bed soon after my Sleepytime and Ginger tea and my French lesson. Got another early morning tomorrow, Kari is coming to get me so that we can finally do the Pine Torch loop on the west side of the Forest. Good night, my darling! Love you!

Wednesday, October 6, 2021 – Another Leisurely Day

Hi Darlin’!
Even though I put my earplugs in last night, there was so much hard rain that it woke me up a couple of times it was beating so hard on the roof! It seemed to rain practically all night, and I heard later that we had nearly five inches! Everything is soggy, but it seemed to drain away pretty, though it was muddy all around. A tree came down on the other side of the loop, right across the road, so I called the office and they sent someone out to chop enough of it off the road so cars can get around it. Was surprised when the young sawyer actually got his chainsaw stuck at one point, it took us fifteen minutes to get it unstuck. I helped move the limbs and trunk sections out of the way, but he didn’t really cut much up except what was right on the road. I think we moved enough for me get past it, the road is pretty narrow right there, with trees on both sides, but I think it will be okay. Naturally, though, it’s way too wet to even attempt to go riding. I let the horses loose, though, so they could get some exercise. Poor Apollo, I’ve yet to ride him here! I was thinking about doing it tomorrow, but then I got a message from one of the women I rode with on Saturday saying she’s going to take a 15-mile road ride tomorrow and asked me to come, so it will be Flash again tomorrow. I also had Kari come by with Hal and a boxed dinner from a local barbecue place, which was really sweet of her! They kept me company for awhile, and we worked out the details of our riding plans for the weekend. Once this front finishes going through overnight, it’s supposed to be nice the rest of the weekend and into next week, fingers crossed! Read and watched TV pretty much the rest of the day, now I’m ready for shower and bed. Good night, babe! Love you!

Tuesday, October 5, 2021 – Hay and Mail Day

Hi Babe!
Woke up early and well-rested, got my chores and breakfast done, then headed into town, first stopping at the post office to get my two packages, plus send out a package as well. From there I went to pick up some hay just north of town, very big bales, though loosely strung so I had to be very careful stacking it or the bale would fall apart. Roger only charged my $4 a bale, which is the best price I’ve gotten in a while, plus he threw in an extra bale, so it was a good deal. Unfortunately, the weather forecast mistimed the rain coming in, again, and I hit a couple of brief but heavy showers just before getting back to camp, darn it. I left it out in the sun for awhile, and finally got it stored away, I’m hoping it didn’t get so wet as to get moldy, fingers crossed. Of course, it will all get used up in the next couple of weeks, so it should be all right. Traded in that propane tank that expires in December for a refurbished one from Walmart, and tried to find a spare quart of oil, but evidently there’s a Rotella shortage for some reason. Anyway, heavy rain moved in later in the day, so I just had another leisurely TV binge-watching day. And that’s all the news that’s fit to print! Good night, sweetness! Love you!

Monday, October 4, 2021 – Leisurely Day

Hi Babe!
Ended up getting to bed late, but had a good night sleep. My one and only neighbor left pretty early this morning while it was still foggy out, and finally, we had the place to ourselves! Just the way I like it. My first chore after feeding the horses and putting them out to graze was to solve a leveling problem. Last night when I went to close the trailer door, it got caught on the stairs, which it hadn’t done here before, but I remembered noticing that the jack stanchion on that side had sunk into the ground (along with the board I had it sitting on), so I jacked the trailer back up, hooked it up to the truck and raised the jacks up. Fortunately, there is a pile of gravel nearby, so I got out my big manure shovel and got some of the gravel and filled in the hole and then some, put down a second board, and raised the trailer back up again. I had breakfast after than, then did a couple of other odd jobs before settling down to read for awhile. Then I did some mending. On one of our recent trips, I left too much slack in Apollo’s lead rope when I tied him into the trailer and he managed to knock over a feed bin, munch a bunch, then started tearing into the bag that holds the patio rug and ripped that up as if it were a feed bag, so I mended that, as well as the pocket in my down vest (or should I say, YOUR down vest which I have now inherited). Went back to reading, then eventually binge TV, so a leisurely day, to say the least. When it was supper time, I had to loosen up the anchor that Apollo was on, it had gotten stuck on one of the posts, and after I did that, he went galloping across the campground heading for his hay on the line, hardly noticing the anchors flopping along behind him! Funny horse! Finally settled down for the evening, grilling a beautiful thick, bacon-wrapped sirloin that was really nice. Getting close to shower and bed time, so I’ll say good night now. Love you, darlin’!

Sunday, October 3, 2021 – Rainy Sunday

Hi Darlin’!
Had a great night sleep, though some rained moved in during the night, but I didn’t hear it because my earplugs were in. By the time I got up this morning, pretty much all of the non-horse campers were gone. A few day riders came in, and a group left about the time I was having breakfast, all slickered up and leaving in the rain. Just after they left, it started to come down pretty good, and a half hour later, there was a torrential downpour! As I’ve said, I’m a fair weather rider, and it would either have to be an emergency with someone’s life at stake, or a big paycheck at the end for me to ride in that kind of weather! Unless it’s a linear ride where I had no choice, like a cattle drive, of course! It basically rained almost all day, finally clearing up a little in the late afternoon, but even then it stayed cloudy. I spent part of the day doing some cleanup, the counter and dining room table area needed some serious reorganizing, and it took me nearly three hours just to do those two small areas! It does look a bit better now, I just don’t quite have enough storage space for everything, so I’m having to do some rethinking on how to get organized. I have a few ideas, but I’ll have to see if they pan out. Meanwhile, the rest of the day was reading and binge-watching an Australian series called Offspring, which has been somewhat entertaining. The rain has finally stopped for now, and I’m ready for shower and bed. Good night, sweetie! Love you!

Saturday, October 2, 2021 – Gorgeous Ride with the Locals

Hey Sweetie!
Well, my network paid off big-time today! Although we didn’t go exactly where we planned… Kari arrived and said she had spoken with a couple of friends who were already planning on riding out of my campground today, and would it be okay if we joined them and rode Pine Torch later in the week? Of course I said yes, and it turned out to be a great ride! Pam and Laurie really knew the renegade trails here, and we had a lovely, nearly 13 mile ride, some of it at a fabulous Walker-gait pace, which was no problem for Flash to keep up with. We switched between leaders and being in back throughout the ride with very few problems, though Flash did get kicked once because he kept sticking his nose in the tail of the horse in front, so he got what he deserved! Not being a “beer ride,” we did a lot less stopping, though we did take a couple of breaks, but there are several nice picnic areas set up along the trails, so we had no problem finding a place to stop. Flash did very well, as always, though he lost one of his boots a couple of times, and the final time I just left it off since we were almost back to camp. They took me to several out of the way places, including a great cave with a waterfall they call the “shelter.” Apparently there are a lot more of them than are visible from the orange trail. We also did some fast gaiting along the road a few times, also wonderful! Anyway, it was a fabulous day of riding, a little warm but much cooler in the woods, a bit humid because there’s a front moving in that’s bringing rain and hopefully slightly cooler temperatures tomorrow. You know me, I never mind a rainy Sunday, makes me relax, though there is some housekeeping I want to do, just a bunch of stuff that needs to be put away. So I’m spending the evening reading and watching TV, and it won’t be long before I’m off to shower and bed. Good night, babe! Love you!