Slept late this morning, before starting to pack. We had a small, quick breakfast, as we had decided to join in on a Mystery Brunch, something we had never done before, and we headed there for the noon start. The girl in charge didn’t do a great job of explaining anything, but it was enough to get us started, and we were delighted to find another couple where the woman was an actress who had recently become an empty-nester and who was thinking about starting a Shakespeare Festivel in Palm Springs, CA. It turned out our characters were married and from Texas, so we both immediately plastered on a Texas accent and started a great improv, while the rest of the table spent most of their time sitting back being entertained by us. We had a great time, and were the last ones to leave the restaurant (much to the relief of the wait staff). We reconvened later in another restaurant and chatted with them at length about their plans, which, would you believe, also included converting some property into a horse camp! All our lines of expertise, amazing! Anyway, we exchanged contact info and promised to keep in touch, before we went back to the room to finish packing. At one point, I had to go searching for my confiscated items, which included the Smoked Salmon-flavored vodka, and an iron which I was sure I had brought but couldn’t find when I went looking for it, forcing us to order one from the steward yesterday. Glad to know I wasn’t completely forgetful, though, since I spent 15 minutes looking for it, not realizing it had been taken out (for safety reasons, they claimed.) Anyway, we finished packing and putting our bags outside the door, enjoyed a small dinner, met up with our couple again, thinking we would go see the comedian again, but he was in a smaller room and it was so crowded, we decided to go to bed instead. Big day tomorrow!
Archives for August 2014
Saturday, Aug. 30, 2014 – Misty Fjords Boat Ride near Ketchikan
Friday, Aug. 29, 2014 – Horseback Adventure and White Pass Train
Thursday, Aug. 28, 2014 – 5 Glacier Seaplane Flight in Juneau
Thursday, Aug. 28, 2014 – 5 Glacier Seaplane Flight in Juneau
Wednesday, Aug. 27, 2014 – Icy Strait Whale Watching
Tuesday, Aug. 26, 2014 – Day at Sea to Hubbard Glacier
Monday, Aug. 25, 2014 – Train Ride to Whittier, NCL Departure!
Monday, Aug. 25, 2014 – Train Ride to Whittier, NCL Departure!
Sunday, Aug. 24, 2014 – Laundry, RV Return, My Birthday
Had a pretty quiet night, though an ATV or two went by rather late, but didn’t bother us much. Headed into Anchorage after breakfast, straight to a laundromat, as I didn’t want to pack a bunch of dirty clothes. Despite good Yelp reviews, we didn’t have the best experience. Free wifi was a driving factor in my selection, but it wasn’t working when we got there, and neither of the two women there knew anything (besides not being able to speak much English), so that was a bust, but the worst was when a very smelly homeless guy sat right next to me, and I couldn’t breathe. Fortunately it didn’t take long to finish, so Hubby and I were out of there asap. We found a nearby Indian restaurant (my favorite food), but the first one we went to was a fast food cafe type, not what we had in mind, so we found a somewhat better one not too far away, and headed there. Enjoyed a nice dinner, with just enough leftovers to have again later in the day, then headed back to Alaskan Holidays to return the RV, though we will be staying overnight and leaving in the morning. Stopped to fill up the gas and propane on the way, per our contract. Did most of our packing, though we were so tired from running around, we left some for the morning. Finally settled down for the evening in the parking lot of Alaskan Holidays where we rented the RV, looking forward to the next leg of our Alaskan Adventure!