Archives for August 2010

Saturday, July 31, 2010 – Fly Back to the West Coast

Up and at ’em early with just a cup of coffee to go, caught the 6:30 hotel shuttle, arrived in time to see another HUGE line at the Delta counter. Tried to us the self-serve kiosk, no dice. Hubby sent down to the Delta shuttle counter as instructed yesterday, nobody home. So I stand in line another 30 minutes before someone finally waits on me, and in moments, she’s issued boarding passes for both flights, but the one out of DC wasn’t in the emergency row. I asked her, if they weren’t in the ER, why couldn’t they have issued them to us yesterday when we made a special trip to the airport. She had no answer, couldn’t find any reason why I couldn’t have gotten them yesterday! Needless to say I wasn’t a happy camper by the time I finished in that line. Got through security fine, then grabbed some breakfast (fruit for me, a big honking breakfast for Hubby) and finally got on the plane, late as usual. There was some problem on that first flight, but I can’t remember what it was now. First bit of good news was to discover our connecting flight was at a gate around the corner, not the other side of the airport as it had been on Wednesday. The plane was an AirBus and seemed to have more aisle space and even more leg room, even more so in the emergency row, so we were finally breathing a sigh of relief that this Delta nightmare was almost over. Then, naturally, when we reached cruising altitude and I tried to put my seat back to take a nap, the damned button was stuck, so I couldn’t get it to recline no matter how hard I tried. Never, never, never again will we fly Delta, I don’t care how many extra stops I need to take, I’ve had it with them. Arrived at 12:30 pm local time, made a quick stop at the grocery store, then headed back to the stables. All the kids were fine and glad to see us. Hubby decided to give the horse trailer a quick wash (we had washed the truck before we left, so he thought they should both be equally clean and/or dirty.) I did some work on our schedule, then we both crashed, exhausted from the days trials.